Viking Laws
First day back in the office after 2 weeks away, I saw a piece of post-card on my desk which written 'Viking Laws' - a post card that my boss bought in Norway and the messages he wanted to share with us. The card says:
Be direct
Grab all opportunities
Use varying methods of attack
Be versatile and agile
Attack one target at a time
Don't plan everything in detail
Use top quality weapons
Be Prepared
Keep weapons in good condition
Keep in shape
Find good battle comrades
Agree on important points
Choose one chief
Be a Good Merchant
Find out what the market needs
Don't promise what you can't keep
Don't demand overpayment
Arrange things so that you can return
Keep the Camp in Order
Keep things tidy and organised
Arrange enjoyable activities which strengthen the group
Make sure everybody does useful work
Consult all members of the group for advice
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Terima kasih atas mesej anda. Saya akan menjawab mesej anda seberapa segera. Stay safe!
Thank you for your message. I will attend to your messages soonest possible. Stay safe!