Repost from My FB's Note: 25 Things About Me
1. My mother named me based on the main character of the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Vanderwicjk. 2. I grew up in few places following my abah who was a soldier. But funny things, that these few places were only in two states i.e. Perak and Penang. 3. Thus, I never went to other states except Perak and Penang until I was in form 4 for lawatan sekolah ke Kuala Lumpur... 4. I simply love and dreamt of going overseas for so long since watching all those documentary series... now I have fulfilled my dream... I am here kan :) 5. I love Mind Your Language tv series when I was young... It really exposed me to English... when you are a born and raised in a low income family and you been to the sekolah kebangsaan environment, it meant a lot.. okay.. no one can teach you English language then and then... only your own initiative yang tolong.. thanks Mr Brown.. 6.Coming from low income family and big family (9 siblings), I learnt to be tough and independent.. it shapes me...